Emed Tests — EMBARK Beyond

Emed Tests


Travel & Home Testing Kits

EMBARK Beyond makes traveling during the pandemic as easy and convenient as possible for our clients.

As part of our ongoing commitment to anticipating client needs and comfort, we partnered with health tech firm eMed to provide the only FDA approved Self-administered rapid Antigen test kits specially designed for re-entry back into the United States.

How Does it Work, You Ask?

  1. Receive Testing Kit & Add to Your Luggage!

  2. Test at Home, in Your Hotel Room, in the Airport… just about anywhere! (Anywhere- that is- with internet connection and good lighting!)

  3. Use the App to Launch your Virtual eMed Certified Guide visit on Demand.

  4. Get Your Results and Digital Health Pass Emailed to you in 15 Minutes.

Depending on your destination, hotels and on-site testing can cost upwards of $100s per person for testing. And that comes with scheduling hassles and interruptions to your precious travel time.

Jack S. Ezon, CEO & Founder of EMBARK Beyond:

“All of our clients traveling internationally can receive a small Covid test kit to pack in their luggage. Prior to returning to the USA, they simply launch a Zoom session with eMed from the comfort of their room and conduct a self-administered Covid test. The whole process takes about 10 minutes and can be administered anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Once results are determined, eMed emails ‘an official negative Covid lab report to you directly.”

Julie Danziger, Managing Partner:

“We felt our client’s pain in having to schedule a Covid test on their precious vacation in order to get into the country. Not only was it annoying for people to commit to a testing time but, in many cases, it costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars.” Explains Julie Danziger, managing partner of Embark Beyond. “Our partnership allows clients to take a test at any time of day, on demand, with no prior appointment necessary and costs about $25 per person.” What’s best is that, in addition to re-entering the USA, the tests can also be used to travel to most countries requiring a rapid Antigen to enter. “That’s one less errand you need to do before departing on an international trip.”

“This partnership is a dream for so many of our events as well. Every guest can receive test kits in their room upon welcome with a note to test every evening before bedtime. Results are then uploaded onto our portal enabling the host to reduce the spread of Covid with daily testing that doesn’t inconvenience a guest with appointment commitments or queues,” -Eli Ashear, Managing Director of Embark Events.